Portland Snow Rose Quarter
25 images, shot on 12/18/2005
PhotoID: DREB0CRW12773 - Image 1 of 25 in Shoot
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Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade, in the Snow
Freight Trains, Portland, in the Snow
Portland Downtown from Snowy bank of Willamette River
Steel Bridge, US Bancorp Tower, Snowy, Dusk
MAX Trains at Rose Quarter, in the Snow
People in Snow at Rose Quarter
MAX Train in Snow, Rose Quarter, Steel Bridge
MAX Train in Snow, Rose Quarter, Steel Bridge (2)
Rose Quarter Pedestrian Bridge to Eastbank Esplanade, Snowy, Night
MAX Train, Long Exposure, in the Snow, Rose Quarter
Rose Quarter Pedestrian Bridge to Eastbank Esplanade, Snowy, Night (2)
Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade in the Snow
Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade in the Snow (2)
Steel Bridge from Snowy Bank of Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade
Portland, Willamette River, from Snowy Bank
Steel Bridge from Snowy Bank of Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade (2)
Steel Bridge from Snowy Bank of Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade (3)